About our Directors
We’re basically big kids – big enough to have kids of our own. We love to play, love to design, and want to be able to do both on a day to day basis.

I’m the resident pop-culture guy, whether it’s Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney & Pixar or just movies and shows I’ve come to love. I come from a background of 3D printing, building prop replicas for people and props for movie productions as well as collecting replicas myself. Current projects include a full-size Iron Man and an ’87 Robocop.
I’m passionate about the 80’s – the best decade – with the best kids toys and shows. I have a 3-year-old who is our test subject for kids’ products we make. I now get to share these passions with him, and he loves them too. He inspires me to create kid friendly products for him to have fun with.
I am also an avid collector of comics. This lead to the design of our company’s first commercial product – a stronger comic box storage box that better protects comic collections against insects and light.
My family is a big believer in Australian made products, which is part of the reason I helped start Imagine Ideas and Design. One of the key aims of our business is to help move design and manufacture back to Australia. All of our products, now and in the future, will be made right here.

I’m a semi-retired mathematics and science teacher, sometimes yoga teacher and CrossFit trainer, none of which really have anything to do with what we do here. I also have a passion for design and construction projects, and problem solving. Those really come in handy!
I remember the simplicity of my childhood fondly and raised my children – now grown – to enjoy active play. I’d love for today’s children to have some childhood experiences like my own, based less on technology and more on imagination and play.
This led to the development of our company’s second product, Box ‘n’ Bolt Constructions, due for release in March 2021.
As a teaser, those of you who are parents will likely have shared a similar experience – the day you bought that TV or Fridge or Barbecue, only to watch your children spend the rest of the day playing in the big box that it came in. We’ve taking this concept and used it to design a modular construction system for children to build their own tunnels, towers and forts. The original prototypes were quite literally, packing boxes held together with duct tape. It’s come a long, long way since then.
Watch this space!